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  • Chemical Industry

    Smoore Enterprise Material Handling System
    The client is a listed company in the electronic materials industry. Vijay designed and built several fully automated production lines for new electronic materials for it, with a total production capacity of 60 tons per day. The processes involved in the production line include slurry batching, mixing, sintering, crushing, conveying, storage, screening, mixing, demagnetization, packaging, etc. The fully automated design reduced the number of operators on the original production line from 25 to 3, but increased the output from 300 kilograms per hour to 900 kilograms per hour. The newly put into use production line has comprehensively improved the stability of the product, making the product technology of each batch completely consistent.

    Materijali za primjenu

    Tijekom procesa transporta materijala moguće je istovremeno postići procese kao što su doziranje, šaržiranje, prosijavanje, miješanje, uklanjanje željeza i uklanjanje nečistoća kako bi se zadovoljile vaše proizvodne potrebe

    Pneumatski transportni sustav
    Pneumatski transportni sustav · Pneumatski transport s negativnim tlakom · Pneumatski transport razrijeđene faze · Pneumatski transport praha · Sustav za transport tekućine · Pneumatski transportni sustav guste faze
    Automatski sustav doziranja
    Automatski sustav doziranja · Automatski sustav doziranja tekućeg materijala · Centralni sustav hranjenja · Automatski sustav hranjenja

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